Newsletters for 2020

Whaletales January 2020

Whaletales February 2020

Whaletales March 2020

Whaletales April 2020

Whaletales May 2020

Whaletales June 2020

Whaletales July 2020

Whaletales August 2020

Whaletales September 2020

Whaletales October 2020

Whaletales November 2020

Whaletales December 2020

Past Newsletters


Editorial Policy

Whaletales is your official source for news of FVR events (past, present, and future) and is proudly distributed monthly by the Fox Valley Region of the Porsche Club of America. Statements and opinions appearing in Whaletales are those of the authors, and not necessarily those of PCA, FVR, the Board, or the Editor. The Editor reserves the right to edit all material and to publish only material that is felt to be in the best interest of
FVR-PCA. Other regions are welcome to reprint Whaletales articles, provided that the source and author are credited.

Email addresses are maintained by PCA at
(login and select “Membership”–“Member Service”–Member Record” from the menu) and member email address changes must be made through PCA national.

To have your questions, comments, articles or pictures published in Whaletales, email the Newsletter Editor at no later than the 20th of the month.

Please send all information (text and pictures) as an attachment in your email, do not let concerns about spelling, grammar or the like prevent you from sharing your story about your favorite Porsche or your extended family of Porsche friends – but please do include the name of event, captions for photos, and the names of people in photos. And don’t forget to include the name of who took the picture. We appreciate member submissions and want to give credit.